20 Nov 2011


Mbhoni Manganyi

If you are an apathetic person, maybe you will say “I don’t care about having a purpose.” Or if you are nihilistic, you may say “Life is meaningless. There is no point in trying to assign a meaning.” Maybe you are just generally okay with the way your life is right now and you think that having a purpose is “for other people”. If life has no meaning or purpose, then why are you here? Why are you getting up every day and going through the motions with the rest of the world? Why are you breathing the air and walking the earth? If life really has no meaning for you, isn’t it logically better to end it than to wait for your time to end?

Without a purpose, your everyday life is filled with actions not guided by a focal point. It’ll be a combination of mish-mesh, random forces around you which end up cancelling out each other in the larger spectrum of life. The end product is an average life and an average existence. Look at the people around you. Have you ever known people who truly, really feel like they are alive? When they talk, their eyes widen and sparkle; everything they talk about just seems so exciting and interesting.

Life through their eyes seems so positive and enticing all the time. These people are in tune with their life purpose and they are living and breathing it. On the other hand, there is another group of people who are unaware or disconnected with their purpose. They content themselves with what is within their reach and are often oriented in negativity, complaints, and dissatisfaction. Life seems bland, monotonous and uninspiring from their eyes.

Which scenario do you think best describes your life right now? And which one would you rather lead? As long as you don’t have clarity on what your purpose is, what you are effectively doing every day is living out other people’s purpose. There are 2 ways to live your life – the first, and what most people do, is to "live aimlessly without a direction". The other, less trod path, is to "define your purpose and live by it".

1 comment:

  1. It is, of course, very fundemental for one to be guided by a purpose in life or else life without a purpose is directionless. But the purpose should also be based on the plan of some sort. If you have a worthwhile plan you will struggle to put a worthwhile action which will bring purpose into being. You might not be achieving your purpose as you have planned it but if you have that worthwhile plan you will truly achieve it very soon.
