23 Nov 2011

Dealing With Dishonest People

Mbhoni Manganyi
As someone who seeks to achieve the highest potential and seek the highest truth, dishonesty is at conflicting odds with me. In fact, one of the core traits which I pride myself in upholding is genuineness in everything I think, feel, say and do. Having said that, this doesn’t mean I’ve been always honest earlier in my life. There have been numerous times in my past where I was dishonest and felt ashamed of it afterward. During those times, I never fully comprehended the ramifications of my actions; it was only as I reflected on my actions and behaviours afterward that I understood the implications.
As I was growing up, I was lucky to be surrounded by people who strived to adhere to a high moral standard. Granted, there were numerous times where I trusted people and had that trust broken afterwards. When I was 17, I joined a African National Congress for a short period of time where I saw how the leaders manipulated people against their wishes through both subliminal and persuasive techniques. It was definitely an insightful experience.
It was from the times in life where I was dishonest or where I experienced dishonesty that I saw the true value behind truth and honesty. They led me to orientate myself more and more towards the path of truth. Yet, I strongly believe that everyone, whether dishonest or not, has goodness in them. When people come across as dishonest, it’s usually because of unintended behaviour or erroneous judgment on person’s part, rather than pure malicious intent.
 These people are largely unconscious of the full implications of their actions on others. If you try to dig deep and distil down to the fundamental originating cause of dishonest acts, you will typically find that it’s because of a desire for betterment, for acceptance, love, goodness, rather than because of ill desires. The next time you come across a dishonest person, try standing in the person’s shoes and see things through his/her perspective. Chances are you are going to become more receptive to the circumstances which led him/her to act in that manner. That being said, dealing with dishonest people requires conscious behaviour on your part. Below is a series of steps on dealing with them.

Cut Dishonest People Away From Your Life!

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